The Niles Republican from Niles, Michigan (2024)

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The Niles Republicani

Niles, Michigan

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4 i 1 or 4 WILT HAY EVER WHIS SSKSLICKER Th ISH BRAND SLICKER It and ftSB BRM CURES WHERE ALL ELSE AILS CTT Best touch Syrup Tastes good Use HR In time Hold by druggists Hq No 37 8G 6 9 As RUPTURE PISO'S CURE OR rnniJi iruij iiujjil :1 Surveys made during the past two years have shown that the River Rhone has cut for itself a channel in the hot tom of Lake Geneva through whi it flows between parallel banks like an ordinary stream on the surface The Rhine makes a similar passage through Lake Constance xigwiv VftUQUU kjr nuim WCaVllUl 11 AU 11 enables us to find room in our affections I no calcify and harden but for them In winter bur hearts contract lemaM1 clastic They however under su there is positively not' loom in accottlifs lor them for a horde of friends the 'decrease in height Professor Lin HEK lire mI dinahMrlw knjrntwn Oar P'wndmu inrludit CUvnUwl Mid boa 232 la 1 worth ft PUB Chloro Chicago Ledger: 8t Johns Mn eb 13 Your Ro ord in at band and irf the first and only one I have ever Been that I wmihi keep or frame Almost all of the records published seem to be construct 1 on the idea that a soldier was alurid picture in which impoHsible battle Hcenre and high color are tin prin cilal features This one is neat and appropriate the pictures of the Generals and Lincoln accurate nnd the whole effect pleasing amt satisfactory It will certainly meet with great favor and a large sale 8 IABOLL Commander Tost 156 St Johns Mich dark passages their candles were ex tinguished by the host of bats rom others they decended sixty feet into lower caverns but everywhere the ground sounded hollow beneath their Editor Chicago Ledger Tonganoxie Leavenworth Conntv Kan eb 12 Dear Sir 1 received in Vm time the lieci rd and am tree tn nay that it i a superb pi furs and Khould be in the me nt every ohl nohlirr Ilovr a soldier could In without it tor the trfle it rout can only he arenunted f(ip up the eround that he never hcen the Record cnsepiehtly cannot re alize its mriit Manv thanks tor your kindness in forwnrding same to mo hihI will the attention of our Poet the opportunity presented them bv you Reppectiully Hallenbeck 0 Guaranteedyl)r Maver 81 Arch St Phils at nin vin Tithm or ijhh ut hN uriay tmuandK cured Con sultation free At Standish House iNdroitMich 1 tn 7 Commercial Hotel Chicago 8 to last of each month OLD AGE According to Professor Humphreys the changes which normally occur in old age are quantitative rather than qualitative There is a diminution in material and force with perhaps a slight increase in the oily matter of the tissues all other changes are patho logical' Among the most' marked of senile changes are those of the bones These lose in weight but not neces sarily in size indeed they may even increase in size by a sub periosteal ossification The interiorof the bones becomes softened ami filled with mar row the walls became thinned The ends of the 'bones affected in jliis and hence the liability of the bones to fracture at these parts The alveolar processes waste away so that in men' above eighty the number of teeth six while in women it is but three The cranium generally becomes thinnerand lighter In some cases however the skull walls are actually increased in density and thickness by the osseous deposits on the interior of the brain case Contrary to a generally received view the cftrtlages of healthy old laudable desire to raise a He returned them soon smiling pitcher peddler him that he be BED BUGS 'lilES lies roaches mute Ited bugR water bugs motbfl rats mice sparrows jack rabbits gophers chipmunks cleared out by on Ruts" 15c hUcrfiu Cures all Kidney Affectations Scalding Irrita tions Stone Gravel Catarrh of the Bladder $1 How to Secure Health SaRKA PARILLA 'AND StILLTNGTA Blood and Liver Syrup will restore perfect health to the physical organization It isindeeda ttlrength pleasant to take and has often proved it self to bo the best Blood Purifier ever (Uncovered ef fectually curing Scrofula Syphilitic Weak ness of the Kidneys Erysipelas Malaria all Nervous Disorders and Debility Bilious Complaints and all diseases indicating an impure condition of tho Blood especially when the compliint is of an exhaustive na ture having a tendency to lessen the vigor of the brain and nervous syRtom Humphreys believes that calcification of arteries is hot a process normal or common" in advanced age Among 382 returns relating to the pulse it was found incompressible in only seventy two In 302 returns the arteries were found knotty on forty The rate of the hcart' beats in old ago has been said by some physi ologists to b6 increased others to bo dminishcd I rom the age 'of eighty to ninety it averages' seventv three to seventy four in men seventy eight to seventy nine in women The respirations are a little increased in frequency especially in women pfA'Zjjrs'ovzvc causes up PNisUe NUTRIMENT IN OOD at pork contains a largo amount of nutriment Butter has 87 i per cent of nutritive matter Tho pseudo butter oleomar garine has about the same value in this matter In a pint oLmilk and a pint of oys ters there is the sane amount of nutri ment although the oysters contain more protein and the milk more fat Cheese contains a large amount of nu trition ish is less nutritive than meats but five pounds of nutritive being obtained from 100 pounds of material It usu ally contains about 5 per cent Salt mackerel is among the most nutritive and flounder is one of the poorest Tlje breeds representing the carbohy drates contain about 33 or 35 per cent of water flour from I) to 13 per cent corn and maize meal still more water They have less protein and more fat oatmeal has on the contrary more pro tein and less fat In general this class contains most all nutritive material and but little water A pound of potato however contains a large amount of water and but little protein The figures on which the statements are based are not so satis factory as could be desired as most of tho experiments have been carried on in Europe especially those' of the ani mal foods The vegetable foods have been more investigated in this country than the animal THIN PEOPLE' Health restores health and vigor cures Dytipajisiu Malaria luipotence Nerv ous Debility Consumption Wasting Diseases Decline It has cured thousands will cure you on ETOD'i' IS MKHO 0MPLAIffl5 O3t5 mvlNq A 0P hwir summer is like 'a little' book which we close when ho have read it and our stammer friends are like the characters in the book mostly forgot ten soon after the book is closed Strangely enough though the sum mer friend is so generally complained of for departing with the summer the departure of the winter friend is never referred' to if he sees fit to take him self off about tho time the fig tree beds Hut Inf mp this particular thusness as it would be digressive and superfluous All haif' to the summer friend! May his shadow increase as winter ap proaches but may it hot fall on us in the cold Mat lie Sperbeclcin St Louis Magazine A0RTUNE2San anld bar to anarrtaaluanaa matliuf 14 wtapptn CONSUMPTION The summer friend who takes your Is but asumuicr So saith the poet who beneath the hollow and from the general tenor ot his remarks it is to be inferred that he considered this a reproach to the summer friend but for my part I consider the summer swallow a very nice institution So also are summer friends in their place which is un doubtedly the summer time AVhy they' should bo complained of as they fre quently are for not staying through the winter I never could "comprehend It certainly would sometimes be ex tremely d'wkiyard to have them put in an unexpected appearance in winter It is only the generous expansion of lieart caused by warm weather which 1 1 I It you are losing your grip on life try Health Benewer Goes direct to weak spots Great Appetizer and aid to Digestion giving strength to stomach liver kidneys bowels Get Lyon's Patent Hdel Stlffouers applied lo new boots and shoes before you wear them out Bronchitis is cured by frequent small doses of Plso'a Cure lor Consumption table at once and then send away all the servants At such times he would eat with his elbows upon the table up ZSZBetting the onthe doth that he might the more easily dip into it the little raw onions which Ke was so fond of and which he use to nibble all through the dinner The quantity that he could eat was On one of his hunting trips he knqhis compan ions stopped at the house of a coun tryman for the night At supper they had veal cutlets After the meal was over the King turned to the officer nexthiih and asked him how many lio sup posed he (tho King) had eaten As his plate was bare for ho had been throw ing the bones to his dog the officerwho had beenvatching the disappear ance of cutlets with awe thought that he might venture on a bit of politeness and replied or The King repeated the question to the others in turn and theyhll out of re dmiLKlyiwdersstwwatefT bis ex ploits until lie camo" to a Savoyard who bad noj'egai (l for nnytjjipg bnt the tiuth and replied promptly Majesty has eaten The 'King laughingly admitted that ho was right It as about the same time that an other characteristic incident occurred The King and one of his friends Signor had taken shelter for the night in the hut of a countryman who had not the slightest idea of the identity of his i The Best Waterproof The ISH BRAND SLICKER rtrrntAwat rprooff and will kep joq dry In tho banteat atorn The new POMMEL SUCKER la a perfect ridlnr coat and corere tbe entire aaddl Beware of imitation a None genuine without the trade mark Jlltratrated Catalogue free A Tower Boston Mua that Signor who was sitting near me fire next the host kept turning away his head is the matter with asked the King iri rench which by the way' he spoke like a Parisian stand the smpll of this said smells like a wild said the King of us would smell like that if we went for a week without we would Ill try it So the King went work conscientiously and never washed hirii self the least little bit in the world At the end of five Ji came to him and touching him respectfully on tho elbow said: Majesty has won your bet and at the end of a week but of five The King shouted with laughter ftnd was highly delighted with the whole Manches ter Times To Editor Chicago Ledger: Gosport Ind eb Dear Sir: I received the Record yoxi sent and am highly pleased wth it and think it is superior to any I have seen Tho battle scenes are well gotten up and the portraits frood The spaces lor enlistment and service are fully arge enough Every soldier should have one it being the best way of preserving a history of th? part taken by himself in the great civil war and also us an ornament to his home and one that hie children and grand hildren can point to with pride after he haa tought his last lattle and answered his last roll call Yours etc Hiram Murphy Grand Army raDr CURE BOUGH ON KATS clears ont rate mice roaches flies bed bugs vermin water bugs skunks 15c on Corns" hard or soft corns bullions 15o on Instant relief 15o Chapped hands face pimples and rough 'skin cured by using Tar Soap made by Caswell Hazard Co Now York ON 30 TRIAL I I NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Hus a Pad different from 11 others If cup shape with 8alt adjustiug Rail In center adapts Itself to all positions ot the body while the ball in' the cup preaees back the intea imvo tuoa ca a vi ouu GOea With the finder With light pressure tho Iler" Mia is held securely day and night and a radical care certain It is easy dumble and cheap Rent by mall CiT cularatroa MQLUTQI TKU8B CO Cklstjo 111 Editor Chicago Ledger Chicago DI: Bio Rapids Mich Jan 26 Dear Sir Your very fine Record is at hand and I am ex ceedingly thankful to you for the same I pronounce the Record a fine piece of workmanship and art and it reflects' great honor upon you as well an the de signer It is a record that ought to grace every sob home and Post room otthe Grand Army of the Republic and I would highly recommend all old soldiers to procure one I remain yours in (J Tr? A A AOLPnETCAMPAU irst Lieutenant and Adjutant Pnst rench No 28 Department of Michigan A HEART PAINS Palpitation Dropsical Swellings Dizziness In digestion Headache Ague Liver and Kidney Complaint Sleeplessness cured Elegant Tonic for Adults or children It is a well known fact that the dis ease attacks the pooroftener than the rich the private oftenor than the officer the sailor on shoro oitener than on ship the soldier oftener than the civilian at the same post It is un known ein the polar regions and com mon on the Mediterranean increasing in a direct ratio from the poles to the equator 'Elevation above tho sea pre disposes to it north and east winds favor its: development rainy seasons or damp anti marshy districts do not seem toj it Periods of steady and extreme cold have little effect upon the bld but sudden changes are very disastrous The first predisposing cause is age the disease being most common in early childhood from twenty to forty and after sixty' Tho proportion of mule to female victims is as three to one Any general condition of the body whichdebilitates is a predisposing cause Tlffi complications which render the disease so dangerous uro those riii diminish the nerve supply or weaken the muscrilar power of the heart Bad sewerage and miasmatic influence are potent causes of tire sor A Loomis A TBUK LOrEKO BOOKS Is it a fact that book worms (the rep tile not the student) prefer dark col ored A correspondent in Lima Peru writes that he lately overhauled some modern books long 'shut up and found almost in Edgar Poe's words that play is the tragedy Book and the tho con quering The worm begins his attack close to the binding (attracted doubtless by the paste) and eats his way through He prefers dark to light and unglazed to glazed papers yellow glazed papers your worm detests and books in these end 'papers had entirely escaped Unluckily dark papers are much more agreeable for the eye yel low glazed papers are unpleasant to see or touch and the worm is likely to benefit by the coincidence between his tastes and thDSff Of women his whatever your own whether we are of the red white black or yellow varieties of humanity we must all como in tho long run books and Andrew Lang in The Troy 7 i mes relates that nearly forty years ago a prominent merchant of that city began commercial life as a peddler from house to house with a pack of goods His wife a true helpmeet said to him: propose to lay aside dollar byery day and then in case of misfortune we' will have the money to fall back aithfully she ad hered to her determination though often at the cost of much self sacrifice Her busihess grew and pros pered and the dollar a day was easily put by ThO steady additions to prin cipal and interest swelled the sum total until by carkful husbanding it had be come a competency inancial reverses met the merchant and then both fidelity and' hi8r prudence became manifest Wlicn he knew not whither to turn his at his disposal the handsome result of her nearly forty years of savings and ho was enabled to retrieve his losses and stem the tide of disaster rim: rnEss Axn its oitirics horrid newspapers cried a lady who herself ificapablo of editing acceptably the children's department of a thirty second rate country weekly nevertheless kindly volunteered advice to the managers of a metropolitan jour nal She wanted elegance of diction high moral teaching perfect integrity and choice miscellany furnished at tlier cost to her of five cents She knew that the present standard of newspa per ethics was low and she wrote a letter packed full of instructive theol ogy and faultless language to tell edit ors how much better they might bo The preis is neither a hite winged angel nor'a baleful demon 1 Its representatives are workers for a living and working very hard at that There are papers which deliberately bid for thd lowest patronage no doubt but the majority would rather print sermons than scan dais if the former paid The hard cold fact realized by editors is that failure is the one unpardonable crime in the business world The good are not always good pay a gam bler ordered fi ton of coal from me" said a worthy coal dealer in a mining camp knew pay cash but if a minister why I would have to wait for my money And a business must bo made to pay it be run on sentiment The columns of rarely if ever closed to appeals from the injured or op pressed' Some of the finest literary work is being done for newspapers 'to day rivaling in finish the more pre tentions magazine articles Others of course are dull flashy or worthless reflecting the community in which they jre printed pretty faithfully As in iividuals the newspaper menaregen irons brilliant and courageous giving ife and hope often to the champion ng of a sectionwhich grudgingly meets heir expenses working night and day vith scant recognition but with un lonquerable buoyancy of in tlie ace of many dangers and disappoint Marion Muir in St Louis Magazine BEAUTIUL AUSTRALIAN A number of large and beautiful talactite caverns have been discovered car Queensland Australia In one 1 ho walls according to an exploring arty were beautifully white while the lai act it es and stalagmites joined in ex uisito tracery reminding them' of hinesecarved ivory Another fifty set by thirty feet with plain walls roken only by niches and meeting in vaulted roof of immense height they died the cathedral In some of the To every person who sends ns 60 rents before October 1 1886 we will mail 1 he Chlcairo we for THllEE MONTHS and will send I REE postage paid one of our new and elezant Soldiers Records Itead the testimonials fcbove and see what old soldiers say about the Record The Chicago Dvdrer is the best amily Story Paper In the United States One whole page is tilled by contributions from old soldiers both Union and Confederate armies giving true in ctdente of hie In camp and on the field of battle Everybody enjoys readiDg THE LEDGER Many veterans have been surprised to seo the names of oldanny comrades who were supposed to be dead among tho list of contributors to the "War of The Chicatro Ledircr Now is your time to get a Record REE Send in your name and money before it is too late for this offer will not hold good after October 1 1886 note postoffiee or expresg Sdaldrels town and 8tatelaInly THE CHICAGO EEDGER Chicago IH rr' RAZER AXLEGREASE Btt In tlie World Get the ftennlnc Ev ery uarkHKe hn our Trade mark nnd la marked SOLD EVERYWHKKE I URE hen 1 Bay ture i do ni mean merely to etop them lor a tiino and then have them return again I mean a radi cal cure I have made the disease of ITS EPILEPSY or ALLING SICK ESS a life long study warrant my remedy to euro tho worst cases Because vtheta bare failed Is no reason for not now receiving a core Send at once for a treatise and ree Bottle of my Infallible remedy Give Express and Post Office It coete you nothing for a trial end I will cure you Address Dr BOOT 188 Pearl York Du is not extolled as a but admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose being a most potent specific in those chromo weaknesses peculiar to women Particulars in Dr Pierce's largo treatise on Diseases Peculiar Women 10 pages sent for 10 cents in stamps Address Dispensary Medical association 603 Main street Buffalo Mamma: you move out of the sun Kitty it it troubles Kitly (crying): 'Cause I got here Rupture pile tumors fistula and all diseases of the lower boWel (except can cer) radically cured bend 10 cents in stamps for Address Dispensary Med ical Association 003 Main street Buffalo stuck on ns the man said who fell off a haystack und impaled himself on a pitchfork handle St Taut Herald Perrons suffering from ague of lone stand mg will find a specific in Aguq (Jure Petei: the Great was crowned one fine morning AV hat time was it? Thebe ginning of a reigny season 9liAY liair however caused i restored to its original color by flail's Hair Benewer We may not like hotel keepers but we have to put up "frith them A TERI' LIGHT VISCOUNT A newspaper has the startling head line New York drummer elopea with a married Woman and htreq) children Oh well get excited about that only five off that much for a New York drummer The walls of Babylon were 350 feethigh slave labor ME WAS GOOM TO THE REPORTERS Hon Alexander II peace jto his was the friend of the At lanta reporters when he was Governor His treatment of the scribes illustrated the way in which he always looked after details He never allowed any of tho secretaries in the executive office to give out news Beporters were to be sent to him As the Governor never went near the Capitol the secretaries had tf long rest from teporters Every evening 'about 7 the reporters would go to the Executive Mansion and walk like home folks into tlie Goy room They would find tho great commoner in his roller chair smoking a pipe and resting from his labors He nearly always had soie good stories to tell in addition to the newsauiL the reporters would never be anxious to leave Often Mr 'Stephens wouldhave the points of news the executive orders etc donied and ready for the Scribes and the en tire visit of the boys would be taken up with story telling The reporters hfu good got all the news Mr Stephens never suppressed anything the public felt an interest in but he al ways insisted on giving the information directly from his own Atlanta Constitution bottles ojWy'Mvaihabn and considei in ysel ch red 1 tt fered 20 years from catarrh andcatarrh al headache and this the first remedy that afforded lasting relief lig ginson 145 Lake St Chicago 111 A particle is applied into each nowtril and la agreeable to use ries fluctH by mail or at dnunrists Send for circular ELY' BROTHERS Dnigtrist Owego ODIUM Habit Cured Treatment sent on trial IIfman Remedy Co LaayetteInO A YourNewtdeaierforTHEeillCAGd LEDGER the Best Story Paier HL the country Jead it TELECRAPHYLern herepndcarn I good pay Situation furnished Write Valentine Bros Jajiesville Wia to a lny Samples worth REE Jineu not under the feet Address Brewster's Safety Rein Holder Holly Mich RD HIM bored In 10 to II I SI Keli to moo ntiu urea I Ov 0VI in all parts Dr Marsh Quincy Mich No Rope to Cut Off Manes Celebrated IULTEB uuu toil) uiuch can not be Slipped by any horse Saniple Ana IT 4 A dghi uy a 1 1 cniuu icry Mtirilu'anrt Avazl lTnwA IV 1 allu IIUIUC'O AAffnit'B Special discount to tiie Trade Scud! HK ll XCiLIGlITHOUSERochfiRfprIVY MENTION THIS whin mitt ms to 4Dnnatu wont KI Kcedlnr renewed of who nufTer frooi paouta try When Wo Demoralize tho Stomach By excesses or iiuj rudoncc in iting wo cannot hope to scapu tho conaeouen os for great length of tim? The most robiiKtdigestion must succumb to libusos of that important function But supposing that we have been foolish enough to emeeblo tho stomi is tho oblo? By no moiniS' Tho dyH)H'tic hits only to do two thiug4 tn insure uliimitte recovery lirst he ehouitl adopt un easily digestible diet Second he should use with regularity rnd per sistence Hust ttvi Stomach Bitters the load ing gastric invigorimt of the age Tho multi form symptoms of dyspepsia und the almost inv riably attendant disorders hili sneR's nnd constipation will assuredly coae persecute tho sufferer if the above advice is attended to ho that has suffered thutonucnts thatcbionic indigestion inflicts will neglect to take advan tage ot a remedy which if th most positive ev idence) of the medical profession and the pitldic is to be received with due cvedonce is an abso lute specific for the cplaint SIMPLY AltVLOVS Au amateur chicken raisistof esthetic tastes had a new patent incubating machine with which he had been more or less successful in his feathered crop and one day observing some very glossy hard shell eggs in a crockery store window he purchased some im bued with a finer breed afterfto the and assured swindled as they were surely This should teach us all that it don't pay to enumerate our juvenile fowl un til they are Isa lio nal iVeeklg do not like thee Vf ell The reason why I cannot It has otten been wondered at the bad odor this oft quoted doctor was 'Twas proba bly because he being uno of tlio old ecliool doctore made up pille as largo as bullets which nothing but an cetrich could bolt with out nausea Henco the dislike Dr It Purgative are sugar coated and no larger than bird shot and are quick to do tlieir work or all derange ments of the liver bowels and stomach they aro specific have you nothing more to add to your your Honornot a cent I just gave my last dollar to my USA BE5TT0NIC Thia medicine eombinfia trunjrith pure vegetable tonics is invaluable for Dieenees pQculinr to Women and ail who lead eedentary lives 1 1 riche and Parlflew the Blood Hthnuiuien the Appetite bfrcngthrnH the JIumcIcm 71 in fact thoroughly Clears the cuftpleiton ana makea the skin smooth It does not blacken the teeth cause Uoadacbo ar produce constipation all ahrr iron In Mrs EW Bret 1117 IM save' I used Iron Bittern ae a tonic while mining sstrong hoilthy baby anti ivae grentlv Leueftml Mrs A Caldwell Crawfordsville lows I used Brown's Iron Ritters for nervoumets rod' femtle weakness and was grpatly I ni vc need anything Maa 8 A Cokey Lvnsing Mich ea'ys: I have been troubled with weaknesses peculiar to fcmnini for years but nmd no permanent mlief until I utod Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper Take no cther Ms do only 1 7 BBOWN CHEMICAL BALTIMORE PATtNTS A tin rnc vk ashi 1 to 1 1 DO as to patentability fU EDTQEDC'or ofherwho wth to examine AU Kais I this paper or obtain estimates on spute whtn in k3 the Advertising Agency of MS relief PflSTILLES Mass ToTobo" it is snid of Bed Star ('ouffh Cure bv Dr Per V1 ton Price? twenty five cents PHSON IN EVIliLE MOLLUSKS The occurrence of poisonous mus sels and star fishes in a German lo cality has led to an investigation from which it appears that simple stagna tion of sea water is canaille of giving rise to poisonous qualities in animals inhabiting it and that too when it is free from sewage and'pthcr impurities The poison in the mussels has been described as a ptomaine under the name of mytilotoxin but Prof Vir chow says it cannot bo a true ptomaine as it is not a product of decomposition It must result from the epnditions of the mollusk's growth GIVEN AWAY Before October 1 18S0 Important When you visit or leave New York City save baggage nxpressage and $3 carriage hire and stop at tho Grund Union Hotel opposita Grand Central Depot 613 rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars SI and upwards per day European plan Elevator Restaurant supplied with the nest Horso cars stages und elevated rail road to all depots amilies can live bettor for less money at tlio Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city a OR WIlAT STU P'E VREAMS ARE SIAME A prominent authority on the sub ject regards most dream representa tions as really representations since they emanate from sensorial impres sions which though weak continue during sleep An it convenient posi tion during sleep causes the represen tation of painful work perilous ascent oa mountain etc A slight intercostal pain becomes the point of an dagger or the bite of an' enraged dog Difficulty in respiration is fearful agony caused by nightmare the night mare seeming to be a weight rolled up on the chest or a horrible monster which threatfens to stifle the sleeper An involuntary extension of foot is a fall from thedizzyheightofatOwer lying is suggested liy the rhythmic movement of respiration The virtues ofSt Jacojis Oil ns proclaimedby millions of rcstoi cil imffei crs i honl in duce' everyone to sppply fiis household with this great specific I conquers pain" CatarrH WfeverW A roRAOIOUS KIONARVII Victor Emmanuel among his other peculiarities was a tremendous eater and preferred to take his meals in the i strictest privacy and the most entire 2 from restraint Often when fc6t( s0 that the whole mountain ap he was only King of Piedmont he pears to ba traversed by subterranean would have all the dishes put on the passages and caves" in every direction excavated in the limestone rock by the action of hot springs CREAM BALM I hare aw1 tin CN VffHKN WHITING TO APVEKTISRS please nay you saw riio advertluciaant in thin paper SENSIBLE TRUSS infirmities pecnllar tbelr sex i zd 'l I' I tn ir RUPTURE.

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The Niles Republican from Niles, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 6085

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.